Managing Dry Skin in Winter - Skin & Winter – LEITIN Skip to content

June 15, 2024

Winter & Skin
Managing Dry Skin in Winter


Iquite enjoy winter because it means I get to go to bed at a reasonable hour, wear all my expensive jackets, and indulge in comfort food. Plus, I love fireplaces. While we don't have one, my partner's parents do, and I adore the smell whenever we visit for dinner. There's nothing quite like the scent of burning wood to make you appreciate winter.


As winter sets in, many of us notice changes in our skin. The cooler weather reduces our skin's ability to produce the natural oils that keep our barrier soft and flexible. Additionally, the cold, dry air increases the evaporation of water from our skin, stripping away essential hydration. This leads to many experiencing dry skin in winter, with skin feeling tight, uncomfortable and fragile.



Switching to gentle, hydrating cleansers is essential during winter. Incorporate lipid-based moisturisers and face oils into your routine that replenish essential lipids to help restore and lubricate your skin barrier, keeping it soft and protected. If your climate is exceptionally dry, consider adding a hydrating toner to your routine to imbue skin with extra vital moisture.



Your skin barrier faces constant erosion from environmental stressors, making it essential to keep it intact, supple, and flexible. Opt for moisturisers rich in botanical oils, ceramides, and lipids to replenish essential components of the lipid barrier. This ensures your skin is in optimal condition to protect itself and lock in vital hydration.

Image of LEITIN Skincare's Face Hydrator
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Face Hydrator with the lid/cap off
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Face Hydrator
Video of LEITIN Skincare's Face Hydrator being swiped with spatula to demonstrate texture.
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Face Hydrator with the lid/cap off
Face Hydrator

Face Hydrator

LEITIN Skincare's Water Bomb Face Cream
Image of Water Bomb Face Cream Moisturiser Texture
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Water Bomb Face Cream with Lid off Showing Cream
Male holding the water bomb eye cream to the eye
LEITIN Skincare's Water Bomb Face Cream
Image of Water Bomb Face Cream Moisturiser Texture
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Water Bomb Face Cream with Lid off Showing Cream
Woman demonstrating using the LEITIN Skincare Water Bomb Face Cream Moisturiser
Male holding the water bomb eye cream to the eye

Water Bomb Face Cream

Image of LEITIN Skincare's Resurrect Night Cream
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Resurrect Night Cream Showing Cream
Image shows the texture of LEITIN Skincare's Resurrect Night Cream
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Resurrect Night Cream
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Resurrect Night Cream Showing Cream
Image shows the texture of LEITIN Skincare's Resurrect Night Cream

Resurrect Night Cream

Image of LEITIN Skincare's Peptide Eye Concentrate
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Peptide Eye Concentrate Lid of Cream Showing
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Peptide Eye Concentrate Eye Cream Top View of Cream
Image shows the Texture of LEITIN Skncare's Peptide Eye Cream
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Peptide Eye Concentrate
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Peptide Eye Concentrate Lid of Cream Showing
Image of LEITIN Skincare's Peptide Eye Concentrate Eye Cream Top View of Cream
Image shows the Texture of LEITIN Skncare's Peptide Eye Cream

Peptide Eye Concentrate
